Common Call Centre Interview Questions: Find Out How To Respond
“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” – Charlie Batch
Working in a call centre may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for some, it’s the perfect job opportunity or stepping stone in order to gain customer service experience and build an excellent sales record. Thus, if you are thinking of starting a career in a call centre and on your way to a promising call centre interview, it’s important to prep yourself and practices a few call centre interview questions.
Remember, “Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” – Charlie Batch
1. “Tell me something about yourself.”
As a common interview question, regardless of the position you’re applying for, the company wants to get to know your personality and figure out if you’ll fit into the company culture. Many candidates will use information already on their CV’s (simply because they’ve read it so often). It’s a very big mistake. Interviewers can easily read your CV and find the same information, however, they want to know something about you that they don’t already know. Think this particular question through before going for your call centre interview.
2. “Why do you want to work in a call centre?”
At all costs, avoid saying something along the lines of needing the money. Interviewers don’t want to hear that. Instead, if you did go to university or college, mention how your education can be put to good use in an environment such as a call centre – being a good listener and thinking on your feet.
3. “What is your idea of a call centre?”
Ultimately, the interviewer will ask this particular question when you’ve never worked in a call centre. The goal is to determine your expectations of working in a call centre – ensuring that how you think it is is actually what you’ll be receiving. Answer honestly, but do conduct a little bit of research ahead of time.
4. “What makes you qualified to work in a call centre?”
Listing your strengths as well as your weaknesses will ensure that the interviewer will see both sides of the coin. S/he wants to know which qualities you’re able to bring to the table in order to make their processes run smoother – determining how much training you’ll need in order to work effectively and successfully without any direction.
5. “Where do you see yourself five years from now?”
Are your future goals in line with the company’s expectations? This is exactly what the interviewer wants to figure out. Honesty is the best policy when trying to figure out how to answer this particular call centre interview question. This will allow the interviewer to see if you’ll be best matched in this particular position or if you have more potential in the near future. You’ll also be able to figure out if working for this particular call centre is the best career move at this stage in your life.
At CareCall, we offer customised solutions for all your company’s communications needs. Find out more by visiting us online – or call us on 087 7000 979. We’d love to hear from you.