Provide exceptional customer service this festive season
The festive season is around the corner. Office parties, longer days spent by the pool and a drink in hand becomes the norm. But along with all the holiday fun comes irate customers and a spike in calls, which can put a damper on the most wonderful time of the year.
With the increase in calls and potential complaints, it’s important to have strategies and plans in place to ensure call centre team members know how to deal with the added pressure.
Create a crisis taskforce
Identify key team members who are willing and most importantly, able, to keep their cool when the phone call gets heated. The team should boast with a variety of skills from technical to organizational to communication.
Empathy and understanding
The festive season is associated with joy, but for many the holidays bring on family, travel and financial stress. Customer service managers need to remain empathetic to their employees and employees need to be empathetic towards customers. Keep morale high in the office as this will encourage employees to be efficient and effective. Happy employees are happier to work and to work harder.
Embrace tech
Technology is your festive friend. Call centre managers can use call back technology to ensure customers aren’t kept on hold for ages and even something as simple as a FAQ page on the website can help resolve queries without clogging the phone lines at the call centre.
For more information on our services, send an email to or call 087 700 0979.